
13 year old Christian Yeung – who was stuck at home with not much to do during these challenging times – decided to turn his passion into something meaningful. So he organized his own “Tian Tian Cooks” project to raise funds for Bring Me A Book Hong Kong. 

十三歲的Christian Yeung雖然因疫情的影響下長留家中,但他卻決定利用此閒暇時間,建立了一個”天天Cooks”的籌款項目,透過自己擅長又喜歡的活動,為書伴我行(香港)基金會募集善款,讓暑假變得更有意義!



Christian’s project has inspired us to launch our BMABHK Ambassador program in five simple steps below.
Once you become our Ambassador, you are eligible to participate in BMABHK’s “celebrity” storytelling social media campaign, author events and volunteer storytelling sessions – both live and virtual – with rewards as you help us spread the love of reading!



Step 1:
Think of something you are good at and enjoy doing. Then set an ambitious goal. Examples can be telling a story, reading a chapter book, singing, sports, cooking or any creative activities!


Step 2:
Register your project by creating your own fundraising page at https://www.simplygiving.com/nonprofit/bringmeabookhongkong 
(click “Start Fundraising”)

到網站提交創意項目,建立您的籌款網站 :
在以下網站按「Start Fundraising提交您的創意項目,並建立您的籌款網站


Step 3:
Get sponsorship from your friends, families or colleagues and direct them to your fundraising page.


Step 4:
Show time! Pick a date to deliver what you have promised. Remember to take photos.


Step 5:
Send us your photos and a few words about your learnings from the project via Facebook messenger or email to info@www.bringmeabook.org.hk
透過Facebook Messenger或電子郵件(info@www.bringmeabook.org.hk)將您「苦練」項目過程及最後成果的照片,再加上一些與項目有關的簡介及感想發送給我們。


*Minimal amount to qualify for this project is HKD $1,000.  籌款金額需達1000港元 。
Suitable for all ages, incl. parent/child pairs.  適合所有年紀的大小朋友(包括親子)參與。


We will post your project on our social media channels and issue all successful ambassadors a certificate!

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