


  1. Michelle Bang, Chair of BMABHK’s Book Selection Committee, Board Member of BMABHK
  2. Amy Robinson, Teacher Librarian of Upper Primary, Hong Kong International School
  3. Annie Ho, Honorary Patron and Former Board Chair of BMABHK
  4. Beth McNeilly, School Librarian of Shrewsbury International School
  5. Christina Matula-Häkli, Former Board Member of BMABHK and Author
  6. Christy Bicknell, Teacher Librarian for Elementary School at International Christian School
  7. Diane Frankenstein, Strategic Literacy Consultant and Author
  8. Gweneth Rehnborg, Former BMABHK board member and SCMP contributor
  9. Jeffrey Comer, Primary Teacher Librarian of Chinese International School
  10. Julie Fowlkes, Literacy Specialist and Lead Trainer, BMABHK
  11. Kayla Armstrong, Literacy Specialist of Elementary School at International Christian School
  12. Keisha Siriboe, PhD. Founder, Dr. Keisha Cares
  13. Laura Chesebro, Teacher Librarian of Lower Primary, Hong Kong International School
  14. Leonard Marcus, Renowned Children’s Book Historian and Author
  15. Liz Mills Campbell, Director of Libraries of Harrow International School
  16. Maureen Tai, Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators Critique Coordinator, Writer and Book Reviewer
  17. Michele Borba, Ed.D, Educational Psychologist, Author of THRIVERS, and TODAY show contributor
  18. Rachel Ip, Co-chair of BMABHK’s School Committee, Board Member of BMABHK, and Author
  19. Rebecca Rigden Green, Teacher Librarian of The Peak School
  20. Su Hwei Lee Chen, BMABHK Founder and Former Board Member of BMABHK
  21. Tanja Galetti, Primary Teacher Librarian of Hong Kong Academy
Huge thank you also to Pia Wong, our former Executive Director, and Aurelia Wong, our initial website consultant, for being part of the team that helped make Find Me a Book a reality.


  1. 柯倩華老師(「豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎」顧問、台灣兒童文學評論家、童書譯者)
  2. 謝嘉莉女士(大埔循道衛理小學圖書館主任)
  3. 林秋月女士(香港聖公會福利協會生命教育主任)
  4. 馬鎮梅女士(英華小學創意及出版總監)
  5.  翁淑芬女士(漢基國際學校助理圖書館館長)
  6. 林利芬女士(「豐子愷兒童圖畫書獎」執行總監)
  7. 陳芷茵女士(「書伴我行」董事局主席)
  8. 黃怡珮女士(「書伴我行」董事局成員)
  9. 林鶯女士(「書伴我行」培訓導師、童書譯者)
  10. 菜姨姨(「書伴我行」培訓導師、作家)
  11. 王素瑩女士(「書伴我行」培訓導師)
  12. 丘成瑤女士(「書伴我行」培訓導師)