BMABHK X FOCUS: The Art and the Science of Home Support


Join us for a two-part series on reading and writing where we will explore the “art” of helping your child at home and the “science” of why parent support is important both for academic skills and parent-child relationships.
Event Details:

Part 1: The Art and Science of Reading to your Child
Date: May 25, 2021 (Tue)
Time: 6:30-8:00 PM
Format: via Zoom
Language: English
Fee: Free for BMABHK Member / HK$200 for non-member
Suitable for all parents of preschool through primary-age children.

In 2014, the American Academy of Pediatrics put out a policy statement “prescribing” daily reading to children from infancy because “reading aloud is one of the most important things parents and teachers can do with children.” Reading aloud builds vocabulary, print awareness, fluency, and enjoyment of reading.
In this collaboration between Bring Me a Book Hong Kong and FOCUS, we will share strategies parents can use at home to strengthen language skills, literacy development, and the parent-child relationship, by reading aloud, talking about pictures and words in age-appropriate books. Reading together with your child can also provide early clues that something may be amiss with your child’s language and literacy development. Don’t miss this practical session where you will learn how to…

• Do a powerful read aloud
• Overcome common challenges with reading aloud
• Support reluctant readers
• Find the right “trigger” book different types of readers
• Recognize developmental “red flags”
• Find the right support for a struggling reader

Speaker PiaPia Wong, Executive Director, Bring Me A Book Hong Kong
Pia worked for 15 years in Hong Kong and China in strategic planning, media and communications. She has a BA Hons in Philosophy from University College London. In 2019, Pia published her first book “Good to Read” for local primary school children. Pia was awarded a scholarship to attend the “Strategic Perspectives in Non Profit Management” at the Harvard Business School Executive Education Program. Pia left the corporate world in 2010 to focus her expertise in the NGO sector – or rather, For Impact Organization (FIO) – to help raise awareness and advocate for key social and literacy issues facing Hong Kong.


Rebecca BushRebecca Bush
Rebecca Bush is a certified reading specialist and special needs teacher. She has a B.A. in languages from UC – Berkeley, an M.A. in Elementary Education from the University of Alabama, and an M.Ed. in Advanced Literacy from Concordia University of Texas. She is also a member of Neuhaus’ Dyslexia Specialist Preparation Program, having almost completed the requirements to be a Certified Academic Language Therapist and Licensed Dyslexia Therapist. Find out more about Rebecca at


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Part 2: What makes written assignments so challenging?
Date: June 8, 2021 (Tue)
Time: 8:30-10:00 AM
Format: via Zoom
Language: English
Fee: HKD$200
Suitable for parents of school age children 10+ and teenager.

“I don’t know what to write!” Is there any parent who hasn’t heard that frustrated statement from a child?
Writing can be one of the most challenging tasks for school aged children. Many cognitive processes are engaged when writing narrative texts, responding to literature, or writing about various content areas.
In this session, Trena Rauner, MAT, MA, will highlight recent research on writing instruction and help us better understand the complex writing process and how to help a child communicate his/her knowledge in writing with less anxiety.
In the session, you will engage with a writing assignment to see it from your child’s perspective and discuss:
• the challenges children face when asked to write.
• strategies to help your child unpack his/her writing assignments
• tools to help them plan, organize, and revise their writing with more confidence


eb2b6168-fb1b-891e-ded6-a9d8ba7c6deaTrena Rauner – Guest Speaker resides in USA
Trena Rauner has earned a Masters in Teaching from Fairleigh Dickinson University and a Master of Arts from the Reading Specialist Program at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a Learning Specialist at a private school in New Jersey and has a private tutoring practice. In addition, she is the Coordinator of Reading Services at the Dean Hope Center, a graduate clinic at Teachers College serving the local community. Her expertise in the processes involved in reading and writing informs her ability to break down instructions and scaffold writing assignments so students become more confident writers.

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