2020年10月23日: 「與作家會面」- 劉旭恭

BMABHK will be arranging virtual “Bring Me An Author” visits on Oct 23 (Friday). Our THIRD virtual author talk will be with Mr. Liu Hsu Kung, an award winning author from Taiwan. He will read his stories and share the inspiration behind his work.  Free admission and Limited slots available.

Zoom聽劉旭恭老師朗讀他的作品及分享寫故事的方法。活動費用全免,適合68歲的小朋友參加 此網上講座會以國語進行。名額有限,萬勿錯過!

Registration 詳情及報名: https://forms.gle/6eEWJsUKHH5m5ww7A
Meet the Author_Virtual_Liu Hsu Kung