This is the second year I joined the “Story Telling Parents” programme. Percie, BMAB’s Trainer conducted the First Teachers Training at my son’s school. This workshop has enriched my knowledge about reading and its benefits. Learning day by day is crucial to both children and adults. We should help children build up a habit of reading by adopting effective read aloud techniques.
Shared reading is meant to be interesting, intrinsically motivating; rather than a mandatory, dreary chore. Parents can only arouse children’s curiosity by modeling engagement in reading. Guide your child along in exploring the fun of reading and read to them every day. Your persistence will pay off; their interests to reading will definitely blossom. You can also add in some games or extending activities in shared
reading, it helps to strengthen their memory about the plot.
I received hands-on practice of what I have learnt in “Storytelling Parents” activity last week. It is thrilling to know that our message is well-received by the students. Special thanks to the School, Bring Me A Book and Percie.
Elaine, partcipant of Community Training Program (CCC Kei Wah Primary School ,Kowloon Tong)