It was an honour for me to participate in the First Teachers Training Workshop promoting family literacy for volunteers which was organized by Bring Me A Book Hong Kong. I really learned and changed a lot over the past three days since joining the workshop. I used to think reading is simple. My initial view of reading with children was that it is a parents’ obligation. I had hoped I could teach my kids what the most valuable things are in their daily life. Today, I have started to slow down my pace, after listening to the trainer, Ms. Percie Wong’s experiences and sharing about reading tips with other volunteers. I have found a deep satisfaction inside which has led me to change my thinking and approach to reading. Now, when I looked at my kids every day, they are so concentrated and involved in storytelling with their eyes wide-open. I no longer think that reading is either an obligation or responsibility.

Reading is a kind of love to nourish me like springtime breeze and drizzle that makes me feel refreshed and loved. Therefore, I would love to work with other volunteers in the future to share the love that I’ve gained from storytelling with other kids, parents and families. It was just like sowing a seed. We need to sow other people’s heart with love to spread the happiness of reading to as many people as we can. Lastly, I would express my gratitude

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to “Bring Me A Book”, Zeng Min Jie Yang Hao United Love Fund, Percie and all the volunteers.

Miss Hsu Je Min, Participant of Train the Trainer Workshop, Zeng Min Jie Yang Hao United Love Fund Beijing, China

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