Sat 27 Apr 2019: “BMAB X Yuen Long District Primary School Heads Association” Reading Carnival (Yuen Long District )
Date: 27 Apr 2019 (Saturday) Time: 13:00-17:00 Venue: C.P.C. Yao Dao Primary School (Tin Fu Court, Tin Shui Wai, Yuen Long, N.T.) For more information, please click here. (Chinese only)
Raising Life-Long Readers…and Learners
It seems that too many students miss out on making reading a pleasure because of the overwhelming demands that arise from extra-curricular activities and homework, it allows little or no time for reading books aloud for the sake of fun. Reading experts tell us that when children enjoy reading, they are more likely to do […]
Ever connected to screens, never connected to people
Dwight Gardner’s recent article in the New York Times/International Herald Tribune raises the seemingly inescapable problem of children (over)using technology. In itself, this problem is nothing new: children watching too much TV and spending too much time playing video games are problems that have been giving parents headaches for decades.
Some Habits Die Fast
Some habits die fast. But others, like reading aloud and children enjoying dog-eared picture books thankfully remain intact. Find out more from Annie Ho’s recent interview with Australian author, Mem Fox Related Weekly Column: SCMP – Sunday Family Post (19 Feb, 2012) – Some Books are for reading, others for shelf esteem SCMP – Sunday […]
Thoughts on First Teacher Training
This is the second year I joined the “Story Telling Parents” programme. Percie, BMAB’s Trainer conducted the First Teachers Training at my son’s school. This workshop has enriched my knowledge about reading and its benefits. Learning day by day is crucial to both children and adults. We should help children build up a habit of […]
My son’s first real word was “more.” He articulated it clearly and with a force that surprised me, his finger jutting out like a sword for emphasis to make sure I understood. Like most parents, I expected to hear “Mama” or maybe “ball,” but he was very direct with me about his desires back then, […]
The Unexpected Experience
My seven-year-old son dislikes reading. I used to buy him different children’s books hoping that one or two may happen to arouse his interest. However, I was too impatient to read to him and explain the stories. Storytelling had become a stressful chore and I was discouraged by his interrupting questions. I gained a precious […]
Reading Workshop at School
Recently I attended a Read Aloud Workshop at my son’s school, designed for Reception class parents (4-5 year olds kids’). It was about the crucial role of reading aloud in building academic success. Mr Jeff Comer ( A teacher and Librarian) and Ms Cathay Zhang ( head of Primary Chinese) were extremely inspiring. Most of […]
Let’s meet with Bill Martin Jr., the author of a classic children’s book – Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see?
Can you believe that Bill Martin Jr. could not read at his elementary and high school years and at last, he became a leading children’s author that has inspired many young ones. Children can follow the sentence pattern to read or sing along without hesitation. If you are going to read to your child for […]
Parental Tactics on Raising Readers
A recent study conducted by Scholastic Inc. in 2010 revealed that young people like to read because they read for fun and more importantly they have parents who are frequent readers. The report also featured some parental tactics that might be more effective than others:- • Parents are a key source of ideas for finding […]