
Sign Up For Corporate Membership

Corporate Membership

Membership Registration
Email Address/Username
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Password 密碼
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Company Name
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Address 地址
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Representative's First Name
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Representative's Last Name
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Contact Number
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How would you like to pay? 付款方式

Bank Transfers 銀行轉帳
Please make a direct deposit to Bring Me A Book Hong Kong Limited, HSBC A/C # 808-215412-001, then fill in the form below with your transaction details. To complete your application, click on the 'Submit' button.

將款項直接存入我們的匯豐銀行戶口 #808-215421-001 (Bring Me A Book Hong Kong Limited)後,填寫下方表格提供交易資料,並按「提交」遞交。

Please scan the QR code, then fill in the form below with your transaction details. Note: Dollar amounts are Hong Kong Dollars (HKD).

掃瞄QR code,並填寫下方表格提供交易資料。注意︰以港幣捐款。

Transaction ID 交易編號
Please enter Transaction ID 交易編號.
Bank Name 銀行
Please enter Bank Name 銀行.
Account Holder Name
Please enter Account Holder Name
Mobile Number 手機號碼 (PayMe)
Please enter Mobile Number 手機號碼 (PayMe).
Payment Mode 付款方式
Select Payment ModeBank Transfer 銀行轉帳PayMe
Please select Payment Mode 付款方式.
Select a payment method
Submit 提交