If you are the reader of Ming Pao, you should probably have heard of Choi EE. Aunt Choi has devoted her life to family literacy. In addition to writing articles about fostering family relationship, she also teaches parents the skills of how to tell stories in the most effective way.


Frankly speaking, I was surprised by the fact that Choi used a lot of research studies in her lessons. Before attending her workshop, I thought she would only teach some skills for capturing a child’s attention. I never imagined that her materials had such a strong scientific basis. 

For example, I used to think that it was useless to tell stories to newborn infants because they would not understand them. However, after attending Choi EE’s lessons, I now know that such practice can greatly increase the connection of neurons in an infant’s brain. Generally, scientists state that the more connections and neurons are made, the smarter a person will be. 

Besides emphasizing the scientific basis, Choi EE also focused on passing some important values to children. For example, she tries to cultivate the child’s concept of family closeness by using the book “A New Year’s Reunion”. 

Choi EE is one of the best advocates of family literacy. Her lessons are based on scientific research and we can all learn a lot from her values.

Jimmy Yim – Interns, Bring Me A Book Hong Kong


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