Nov, 2015: Workshops by Julie Fowlkes


First Teachers™ Training

You Are Your Child’s First Teacher
Learn how to nurture a life long love of reading to set them on a path to success

[Suitable for parents of children aged 0-6 years]

Literacy development begins long before your child starts primary school. As your child’s first teacher, you can enhance cognitive development, communication skills and family bonding with a shared love for books and reading aloud together.

Workshop Dates (Participants should attend both sessions):

FTT (A): Tue 3 Nov (7 pm – 9 pm) and Tue 10 Nov (7 pm – 9 pm)

FTT (B): Sat 7 Nov (10 am – 12 pm) and Thu 12 Nov (12 pm – 2 pm)

FTT (C): Tue 10 Nov (12 pm – 2 pm) and Fri 13 Nov (12 pm – 2 pm)

For full workshop details and to register, please click

Transitional Readers

Helping Your Child Become an Independent Reader
(Who LOVES books!)

[Suitable for parents of children aged 4-8 years]

Parents play a critical role during the early stages of reading acquisition – how the child learns to read can affect their lifelong reading habits. By using some simple, fun and effective strategies, children can happily transition from listening to stories to reading on their own.

Workshop Dates (Participants should attend one session):

TR (A): Wed 11 Nov (10 am – 12 pm)

TR (B): Thu 12 Nov (6 pm – 8 pm)

For full workshop details, dates, and to register, please click

Book-Making with your Children

“The single most important element children need to
grow as writers is the belief that they are writers.”
Lucy Calkins

[Suitable for parents of children aged 3-8 years]

In this parent-child workshop, the whole family can enjoy how to write and make home-made books, incl. pop up, ‘quick-fold’ ladder, concertina and shape books. By composing an original story, your child learns how sounds, letters, and words form meaningful text that can be read over and over. Parents will also learn how to use the Language Experience approach which links dictation to writing and reading. Numerous sample books will be available and participants will have an opportunity to share the books that they make together.

Workshop Date:

BM (A): Sat 7 Nov (2 pm-4.30 pm)

For full workshop details, dates, and to register, please click

Professional Development Workshop: 

Best Practices for Literacy and Language Development in the Classroom

[Suitable for Teachers, Librarians and Educators at Pre-schools and Primary Schools]

Workshop covers:

• Participants will learn the most effective strategies for building comprehension that are currently used in classrooms internationally
• Learn ways for students to connect with text: reciprocal teaching, interactive reading,words sorts, SQ3R, and vocabulary activities
• Explore strategies that help students respond/share information from text: mind maps, innovations, original questions and attribute charts
• Methods for expanding stories, books and text with charts, sentence frames and writing original books will be modeled and explained
• The class will be very experiental with active participation using partners and small groups

Workshop Date:(Participants should attend both sessions)

PD (A): Fri 6 Nov (4 pm – 6.30 pm) and Mon 9 Nov (4 pm – 6.30 pm)


For full workshop details, dates, and to register, please click

Offline Registration

If you prefer register offline and pay by cheque, please click here to download the Workshop Booklet and follow the instructions provided on pages 7-8.
Registration Deadline: 28 October, 2015

About the Trainer, Julie Fowlkes

Julie (2) (850x1280)
Julie Fowlkes has over 40 years of international experience in early childhood literacy. She has a Masters Degree is Reading and a Lifetime Credential as a Reading Specialist. After working as a teacher and reading specialist in numerous public schools in California, she spent over 30 years training teachers and educators at various universities in the U.S. She is a published author (“Reading Without Books”) and presented at many international conferences incl. the International Reading Association.

Julie joined the Bring Me A Book Foundation in U.S. in 2004 and helped develop Bring Me A Book’s award-winning First Teacher’s program. Julie has a huge following in Hong Kong as she has run an array of literacy-based workshops for parents and teachers each year for the past 9 years.