Dear HK Parents,

Thank you so much for taking the time to attend one of our BMABHK workshops last week.

We were so impressed with your dedication and interest.

You all

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learned so many new ideas for helping your children enjoy reading and writing.

It was so much fun to make books together, share stories about reading experiences, play with puppets and practice strategies to extend and enhance storytime.

You were able to understand and apply some important concepts: Have an engaging

conversation about the book, Follow the Child and Build your Child’s Brain by reading 20 Minutes a Day.

We came up with so many clever ways to make that reading time fun and effective.

It was such a pleasure to see moms and dads that I met years ago and hear how well your children are doing. I loved meeting all my new friends too. Please stay in touch.

Enjoy these special years with your dear children.

You are giving them such a marvelous gift and building life-long reading habits.

Remember, you are your child’s FIRST and BEST teacher – no teacher (no matter how good) can give the special time and tailor the reading experience better than you as a parent can do, as you know your child best.

A recent article from New York Times that illustrates this point well:

Have fun. Join the BMAB Club and share your experiences, challenges and tips with other parents at:

If you want to know more about how you can support BMABHK, for volunteer and/or funding opportunities, please contact Pia Wong at

Hope to see you all next year.

Your Friend,
Julie Fowlkes

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