“How To Be A Hero” interactive video!

本會與Creative Divergence合作,創作了一段名為「How To Be A Hero」的互動劇場影片, 家長及小朋友可以在劇情中選擇主角的命運,以增加互動性。 劇情內容幽默有趣, 並設有中文及英文對白,適合親子觀看。小朋友看完影片後更可參與「英雄家庭」創作比賽,有機會取得免費圖書。
How to be a Hero is a unique and exciting new interactive online video where YOU get to make the choices. Are you ready to meet some hilarious characters and have some fun experiences along the way? Maximize your screen, turn your sound up and get ready for your Adventure!

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線上觀看 Watch Online:   https://www.howtobeahero.net/


Create your own family superhero 

發揮你內在的「英雄潛能」,創作你專屬的家庭英雄圖畫!本會會把小朋友所創作的「英雄家庭」圖畫上載到我們的Facebook, 最多人「讚好」的頭十位小朋友便可獲得精美書籍一本作為禮物!
Now it’s your turn to use your creative superpowers. Draw your own family superhero portrait to win a book!

上載畫作 Upload family superhero portrait here