Music + Story = Interactive Literacy = Eric Litwin!
Smart Parents (2018-08-23) By :陳東紅 Catherine Chan Eric Litwin has a unique storytelling method: playing guitar and harmonica and “singing out” stories. As a former teacher, Eric noticed that while kindergarten students were excited about stories, once they were in primary school, they started to lose interest in reading. He thinks that learning through “drilling” […]
【親子共讀】兒童閱讀分不同階段 菜姨姨:3-6歲學習品德最重要
HK01 (2018-04-10) By :陳樂希
【親子共讀】善用繪本細節作親子互動 讓孩子覺得圖書是老友
Smart Parents (2018-03-29) By :陳東紅
Hong Kong Economic Journal (2018-03-29) By :陳東紅
Seasonal notes of wild flowers in wilderness
Happy PaMa (2018-2-20) By :菜姨姨(書伴我行(香港)基金會社區閱讀發展總監) 讀樂樂:書中漫遊台灣山野 譜四季植物密碼
Respecting the Natural Environment
Happy PaMa (2018-1-16) By :菜姨姨(書伴我行(香港)基金會社區閱讀發展總監) 食物亂棄破壞生態 人雀平等尊重自然
Smart Parents (2017-12-28) By :陳東紅 原文
Smart Parents (2017-12-7) By :陳東紅
Why are Hong Kong parents not reading to their children?
SCMP (2017-12-16) By :Rachel Leung Photo :Edward Wong Just 13 per cent often read to them compared with international average of 39 per cent The key is exposing and practising a good reading habit from a very early age PIA WONG, BRING ME A BOOK A competitive education system and parents not reading enough are […]