What is “World Book Day”?

Do you know what “World Book Day” is? See this wonderful video created by the teachers and students of Tsz Wan Shan St Bonaventure Catholic Primary School! ***Great thanks to Tsz Wan Shan St Bonaventure Catholic Primary School***

Teenage Daughters

by Annie Ho Friday, May 19, 2017     For parents who are experiencing, enjoying, and/or preparing for life with teenage daughters: Two non-fiction books on my To-Read list: Lisa Damour’s “Untangled” and Peggy Orenstein’s “Girls and Sex”. Five years ago, Orenstein wrote “Cinderella Ate My Daughter”, which was perfect for me at that time because […]

Christmas Novels for Youth (Ages 10+)

by Annie Ho Tuesday, October 24, 2017     I just ordered a bunch of books for December reading and just can’t wait another minute to tell you about them. Never mind that Halloween hasn’t even arrived yet, or that I have a hundred things on my To-Do List… This is just a book list, […]

Our Christmas Story Book Collection… to date

Attention booklovers and everyone who loves Christmas: Board Chair Annie Ho takes us on a tour of her collection of Christmas storybooks.     To say that I love Christmas is a bit of an understatement. The consistency of my childhood Christmases means that the fond memories run deep: decorating the tree, dozens of Christmas […]


                                                       林鶯  Angie Lin   轉眼父親節就要到了。與孩子回顧這些年來我們一起讀過的以爸爸為主角的圖書,成為我們家今年慶祝父親節的方式。   記憶中最早的一本是Daddy Kisses(by Anne Gutman and Georg Hallensleben)。雖是硬皮書,但書角都已經磨毛了,可見反複讀過多少遍。每一頁都有一個動物爸爸,用他特有的方式親吻他的寶寶,或是鼻子,或是耳朵,或是小爪子。文字簡短重複,卻充滿活潑的節奏。兒子每次都期盼地等到最後一頁,因為自己的爸爸這時會閃亮登場,而且—- My daddy kisses all over, LIKE THIS! 每讀到此,爸爸必定是連拱帶咬,把寶貝渾身上下親個遍。寶寶也必定咯咯咯咯地大笑著扭動身子,然後興奮又滿足地要求再來一遍。父子的笑聲是伴隨著這本書的永遠的記憶。   I Love You Daddy(Little Golden Book)是另一本讀了上百次的書。不論是露營還是滑雪,只要是和爸爸在一起,就連平凡如澆花、洗車、蕩秋千,對孩子來說都是刺激快樂的。孩子所在意的其實就是爸爸的陪伴。書中最後一句正是孩子的心聲。 “ I love you, Daddy, for all that we do. In a contest for best dad, the winner is you.” “世界上最好爸爸”的皇冠必定是頒給每一位用愛心陪伴孩子長大的爸爸的。         […]

Raising Bilingual Readers

Bilingual speakers are present all over the world, in every social class and in all age groups. Being bilingual has the obvious advantage of being able to communicate with more people.

Raising Life-Long Readers…and Learners

It seems that too many students miss out on making reading a pleasure because of the overwhelming demands that arise from extra-curricular activities and homework, it allows little or no time for reading books aloud for the sake of fun. Reading experts tell us that when children enjoy reading, they are more likely to do […]

Ever connected to screens, never connected to people

Dwight Gardner’s recent article in the New York Times/International Herald Tribune raises the seemingly inescapable problem of children (over)using technology. In itself, this problem is nothing new: children watching too much TV and spending too much time playing video games are problems that have been giving parents headaches for decades.

Raising Fluent Readers

As we read, our eyes scan across each page from left to right, and at the end of each line, our eyes glance back to the left to begin the next line. Reading fluency is the ability to read phrases and sentences smoothly and quickly from left to right, while understanding the complete ideas of the text.