“David Shannon Comes To You!” Virtual Event in Hong Kong ended in success on Sunday, 16 May, 2021. During the show, the global bestselling author and illustrator, David Shannon, taught the audience how to draw his popular characters including cute and mischievous David from the award-winning No, David! series, as well as Roy, an adorable white dog from David Shannon’s latest picture book, Roy Digs Dirt.
「David Shannon Comes To You! 網上見面會 (香港站)」活動於2021年5月16日 (星期日) 圓滿結束。全球暢銷的兒童繪本作家及插畫家David Shannon (大衛‧香農) 在是次活動中,為觀眾傳授了如何繪畫他受歡迎的繪本角色,包括:獲獎繪本系列《No, David!》可愛又頑皮的David和最新作品《Roy Digs Dirt》中的白色小狗Roy。
Let your kids show off their artistic talents for the chance to win David Shannon’s signed live drawings from the show (2 winners)!
歡迎參加大衛‧香農繪畫比賽,讓小朋友發揮繪畫才能,贏取David Shannon活動中的親筆手繪的畫作(得獎名額:2名)!
Submission requirement 作品提交要求:
Participants can submit an image (JPEG/PNG/PDF) of the drawing of either No, David! or Roy (the white dog) according to David Shannon’s drawing tutorial from the captioned event.
參加者須根據以下David Shannon的繪畫教學,提交繪畫No, David!或小白狗Roy的圖像 (JPEG/PNG/PDF檔案)。
Learn how to draw 繪畫教學:
- No, David! : https://youtu.be/I1FjHL6w9eU
- Roy (the white dog): https://youtu.be/uCesohKfm9M
Prize 獎品 (2 winners):
An original signed drawing of No, David! or Roy (the white dog)
David Shannon親筆簽名手繪作品No, David! 或 小白狗Roy
Submission deadline 截止日期: Fri, 21 May 2021
Submission link 提交作品網址: http://bit.ly/DS-HKDraw2021
Result announcement 結果公佈:
Winners will be announced on Scholastic Asia’s Facebook page on Mon, 31 May 2021.
得獎結果將於2021年5月31日 (星期一) 在Scholastic Asia的Facebook專頁公布。
Should you have any enquiries, please contact Scholastic HK at 2722 6161 or schools@scholastic.asia
如有查詢,請致電2722 6161或電郵至schools@scholastic.asia與Scholastic聯絡。