experienced the true essence of reading aloud after joining Bring Me A Book’s “First Teacher Training”. This workshop, held at my son’s school motivated me to enjoy (or even love) reading aloud with my children. When no pressure or restriction is placed on both parent and child, and we could freely enjoy and immerse ourselves in the story. If I am to summarize the lesson I gained, I would put it in this way: reading out loud is an essential and non-costly activity that can be done anywhere at anytime. There is no right or wrong method; reading aloud is all about strengthening the parent-child bond and it also enhances the child’s self-esteem.
I picked “A New Year’s Reunion”, written by Yu Li Qiong and illustrated by Zhu Cheng- Liang to practise what I have learnt in the First Teacher Training. I first aroused my son’s curiosity by telling him, “I would love to share with you a newly borrowed book which I like very much”. The children were so engaged when I told the story with dramatic facial expressions and gestures. I also involved them by asking questions, asking them to turn the page, inviting them to read along and role-playing. When the story finished, my younger son exclaimed, “Mommy, again!!!”. My elder son even held the book tight to sleep. Their enthusiasm hasn’t died down. A few days later they still requested me to re-tell the story. Reading aloud with a child is this simple and fun.
Different tasks used to hinder me from reading-aloud to my sons. I no longer make any excuses because reading to my children is important yet simple, and I myself find reading aloud pleasurable too. I have applied library cards for my two sons, I would let them pick from my pile of pre-selected books from the public library. I also introduced
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this great parent-child activity to my husband, and now he reads-aloud to the boys!
Thank you school teacher Miss Kong for arranging the workshop and I would also like to give a big thanks to Percie, the trainer, for her valuable sharing.
Yammie Chan, Participant of Community Training Program (Chan Shui Ki Le Salle Primary School)