Dad is too tired after work, why not let Mum read with the children?

Children need stories and books to help them make sense of the world. Books can be a wonderful way for parents and children to share feelings, concerns, and emotions. According to research summarised by the organisation Minnesota Fathers and Family Network (MFFN), when fathers read to children, they help to foster emotional security, aid in relaxation of the child, and they get the chance to share their personal values with their child. More importantly, children obtain superior reading skills, perform better in school, and are better able to build relationship skills. Dads play a critical role in their children’s literacy development — by modeling reading, sharing stories, exploring the world together, and engaging in meaningful conversations that build critical thinking skills.1

Reading aloud together provides a cuddly, loving experience for parents and children both. It is important for mums and dads reading with their children as both genders’ building blocks for early literacy and sharing the positive benefits of reading aloud.

Case Study
Traviata and Michael Kwok just relocated to Singapore from Hong Kong, and have one daughter, Audrey (5 years) and one son, Chuen (1 ½ years). Both of them attended Bring Me A Book’s “First Teachers Training” which educates parents (as first teachers in a child’s life) on the importance of reading aloud and provides practical advice on reading, such as how to overcome barriers and how to ignite a lifelong passion to read within the child. They are very impressed about the new skills they learnt as how to be interactive and silly through reading aloud.

Question: When did you start reading to your children? Did you find it easy or difficult?

Michael: I started reading aloud to Audrey since she was 2 ½ years old because I know reading brings with it uncountable benefits. At that time, I read to her and then we just talked it over and sometimes I was running out of ideas as how to talk to her. After I attended the training, I learnt a great deal especially how to engage in conversations with my daughter and stay focused on the topic with the help of books. Each story brings various inspirations that broaden my thoughts and I am able to develop more dialogues and share the stories or elaborate a topic in detail. To be successful, planning is an important step that includes: 
1) Selecting books; 
2) Reading it thoroughly prior to the reading aloud with your kids and;   
3) Preparing questions to raise up your children’s curiosity level while entering into the world of stories. 
I am continuing the learning while reading with her through practices; it does help to sharpen my reading aloud skills! 

For my son, Chuen I find it is challenging as he never sits still and I am searching ways to establish the fun reading aloud experiences for him.

Question: Can you share with us the Tips on reading aloud with kids from a father’s perspective?

Michael:  After father’s return home after a busy day, they may be tied up with some household maintenance work or simply playing video games or watching TV. I would say that to take up around 15 minutes or even 30 minutes quality time each day for your own loving kids, it is a real pleasure without any doubt. It is a unique one-on-one experience to share the world of knowledge through reading aloud. In addition, it is also a good way to relax when you have fun with your children while engaging fully into the storylines.

I am very happy with the progress – one thing that my daughter has gained is she enjoys reading, as a result, she loves telling stories. Whenever I finish reading to her, she cannot wait to pay the reciprocal by telling me stories. At school, she always raises up her hand whenever there is opportunity for her to improvise her own stories. Needless to say, if one of us is engaged after work and unable to deliver our promise on our private reading aloud time, she will keep reminding us and counting the number of missing periods. Speaking of that, we really thank Bring Me A Book for providing the great education to parents. There are many good things which occur during the reading aloud process:

  1. Dad being involved with his children as the support not only as the breadwinner, but also the emotional support to his wife.
  2. Dad setting the example that reading is important.
  3. Strengthen the bonding with his children.
  4. A physical activity for boys who need to move, being active learners

Lastly, a call to all dads….
It’s never too late to get involved with your children’s reading experiences, even if you read once or twice during the week. By being involved, dads can send a message to the little ones that you care personally as well as academically. Just go for it!


 Percie Wong, Trainer of Bring Me A Book Hong Kong

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