30 Oct 2021: Meet with award-winning Author Todd Parr virtually!

We are delighted to invite you to another show stopper author and illustrator – Todd Parr! You may recognize his books by their bright and vibrant illustrations or thought-provoking titles, such as “It’s Okay To Make Mistakes.” Todd will share his journey to becoming a children’s book creator despite many challenges he faced growing up. Participants will also be able to enjoy an exclusive preview of his NEW book that has not been released yet and give him your feedback!


Date 日期: 30 Oct 2021 (Saturday)
Time 時間:  10:00a.m. – 11:00a.m. (HKT)
Format 形式:  Zoom
Language 語言: English 英語
Suitable for 對象: 4 – 8 years children with parents
Free of charge 費用全免
Registration 登記: https://forms.gle/BFuMdDgsJE1anDiSA

*Limited slots available 名額有限,先到先得*

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